About Us

Calvi Gianguglielmo
Graduate in Computer Science, Research/Development Analyst in
noze and Collaborator of the ISTC. Since 13 years his main interest are: Artificial Intelligence, VideoGame, Computational Complexity and Object Oriented Programming. AKIRA is the result of his Degree Thesis work togheter with Dott. Giovanni Pezzulo former researcher at the ISTC.

Pezzulo Giovanni
Graduate in Philosophy of Science with a Master Degree in Phisic Foundations. In the last 5 years he has worked with the greatests Artificial Intelligence Institutes in Italy (ITC-IRST in Trento and ISTC in Rome) focusing his interests towards Analogic Reasoning, Anticipation and Advanced Categorization. He's the father of Akira's Reasoning Core Theories.

The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) is the result of a fusion of various institutions such as: the former Institute of Psychology, the former Institute of Phonetics and Dialectology in Padova and some groups from Biomedical Technologies in Rome, LADSEB in Padova and from the Solid State Electronics group in Rome.

noze S.r.l.
noze is a youth but strong reality of the I.T. in Italy. It merges high professional working profiles with state of the art Open-Source Solutions to achieve a perfect equilibrium between innovation and stability of the softwares produced. Main areas of service are:

- Web Applications: making of very complex dynamical web systems, from the optimal hardware selection to the content management and content automation software.

- Networking: initial set up, infrastructures analysis, custom band solutions and high level decentralized administratives softwares wich also enable the clients to interact with their own systems.